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M-630 CP 4551 |
Built by : MLW Built in : 1969 Serial Number : M-6030-02 Class : DRF-30d Paint Scheme : CP Rail Large Multimark This Photo : Claude Prutton, 1977
Other Photos (chronological) : 1. CP 4551 at Montreal, QC., painted in the CP Rail Large Multimark paint scheme, with Multimark ahead of radiator section. Photo from the MLW/CP/Dave Ames collection; 2. CP 4551 at Montreal, QC., rear side, painted in the CP Rail Large Multimark paint scheme, with Multimark ahead of radiator section. Photo from the MLW/CP/Dave Ames collection; 3. CP 4551 at Montreal, QC., painted in the CP Rail Large Multimark paint scheme, with Multimark ahead of radiator section. Photo from the MLW/CP/Dave Ames collection; 4. CP 4551 at Smiths Falls, ON., painted in the CP Rail Large Multimark paint scheme. Photo by Bill Sanderson, 1984; 5. CP 4551 at Toronto, ON., painted in the CP Rail large Multimark paint scheme. Photo by Gary R. Zuters, 1988. From the Bill Sanderson collection.
Notes : Built by MLW (1969). Outshopped by MLW with Large Multimark logo ahead of radiators, and screened openings over the radiator sections by mistake of MLW. Repainted with Large Multimark on end of unit, and fitted with louvres over the radiator area. Retired (7/1993). Stripped for parts at St. Luc, Montreal QC. ___________________________________________________________________________________________